Joining the PTO is a great way for parents to be involved in the school. We welcome all parents or guardians to attend our monthly meeting during the school year.
At Natchaug it is the PTO goal to work closely with the teachers and staff as a method of furthering collaboration between home and school.
The PTO has helped improve learning experiences for our students through various activities. In the past these activities have included collecting General Mills Box Tops for education, selling Yankee candles, going to Chuck E Cheese, and hosting a carnival to bring our whole school community together.
Please send an email to Lauren Jara if you would like to receive the link for the meeting . We will meet every second Tuesday of the month.
Don't forget to "like" us on Facebook to stay up to date with the latest Natchaug news! We look forward to working with you.
Pam Bibeau & PTO volunteers