Attendance Information for Natchaug Elementary School Families
Every Student, Every Day in Every Classroom
Chronic Absenteeism
Day 1 of absence: If parent/ guardian have not called students out, secretary will call the home to inquire about absence.
Day 3 of excuse/unexcused absence: the secretary will mail a letter that explains chronic absenteeism.
Day 5 of excused/unexcused absence: a parent meeting will be arranged by a member of the school’s attendance team.
At 8 excused/unexcused absences: the school Social Worker and/or Family Liaison will conduct a home visit depending on the individual’s situation and communication from parent/guardian.
At 10 days of excused/unexcused absence: a PPT will be conducted.
The secretary will generate a letter to families at 4, 6 or 10 days of unexcused absences.
After 10 unexcused absences, and a PPT has been held *If appropriate, a DCF referral will be made for Educational Neglect.
*DCF Referrals are made when:
Parent does not call child out for absences
Parent does not send in notes with reason for absences or Dr. notes
Parent does not return calls to the school
Parent does not attend scheduled attendance meetings