Family Liaison
The Family Liaisons work cooperatively with students, adult family members, school staff and community partners to remove barriers that prevent students from learning. Liaisons function as intermediaries and advocates, providing students with proactive preventative services which promote success; socially, behaviorally, and academically, through deliberate and effective targeted family interactions. Liaisons assist with planning, organizing and implementing family events in their related schools. They will also identify resources and services from the community to support families as needed.
Estela Hernández Riquiac
Family Liaison
Natchaug Elementary School
2024 School of the Year
Phone (860) 465-2386

My name is Estela Hernández Riquiac. I am happy to be at Natchaug Elementary School as the Family Liaison!
My first language is K'iche, my second language is Spanish and English is my third language. I was born in the area of Zacualpa, El Quiche, Guatemala. I have lived in Connecticut for 19 years.
I am excited to be here as a bridge between our school system and parents.
Please do not hesitate to contact me, I am here Monday - Friday from 8am-3pm