Windham Public Schools Department of Family and Community Partnerships, Family Liaisons Present our Annual Three Kings Cultural Celebration and we would love for you and your family to join us. This year we are excited to be bringing the celebration back to Windham High School. We will have Food, Music, Games, Gifts and more. Child must be present to receive their gift from the Kings. Registration will end on December 23, 2024 by noon time.
Event Date:
Saturday, January 11th, 2025
Windham High School- Cafeteria
355 High Street
Willimantic CT 02662
We are all looking forward in Celebrating with you all!
Los Enlaces de Familia del Departamento de Compromisos Comunitario y Familia de las Escuelas Públicas de Windham presentan nuestra celebración cultural anual de los Reyes Magos y nos encantaría que usted y su familia se unan a nosotros. Este año estamos emocionados para traer la celebracion nuevamente a Windham High School. Tendremos comida, musica, juegos, regalos y mas. El niño(a) debe estar presente para recibir su regalo de los Reyes. El ultimo dia de registracion sera el 23 de diciembre, 2024.
Fecha de Evento:
Sabado, 11 de Enero de 2025
Windham High School- Cafeteria
355 High Street
Willimantic, CT 06226
¡Estamos deseosos de celebrar con todos ustedes!